As energy from a ButtKicker-brand low frequency audio transducer travels through couch or chair, these rubber feet act like springs, allowing the furniture to move freely and independently of other structures.
A single-seat transducer with excellent musical response; the ButtKicker mini Concert adds amazing impact and tone perception – from deep bass to lower mid-range.
The ButtKicker Advance is a patented 4 ohm low frequency audio transducer that features a 1 lb (0.45 kg) magnetically suspended piston. The ButtKicker Advance is accurate, provides powerful frequency response, is virtually indestructible, and requires no maintenance.
ButtKicker® Gamer PLUS® is the new and upgraded sim racing and gaming haptic hardware that reproduces immersive, accurate and powerful sim racing, flight sim and gaming effects making your lap times faster and your gaming experience better.
Experience realistic and accurate feedback from any game: ButtKicker Gamer PRO. Attaches quickly and securely to most sim rigs and gaming chairs using its Universal Clamp attachment mechanism.
The ButtKicker Power Amplifier BKA1000-P is an all-digital power amplifier designed specifically to power ButtKicker LFE, Advance and mini-CT and mini-LFE transducers